How to Maintain a Healthy Body Mass Index?

The body mass index measures a person's body fat based on height and weight. It's also used to determine whether your body mass is within certain limits or exceeds those limits. If it exceeds the limit, it may lead to future health problems.

The use of the body mass index has been heavily criticized by some experts. In spite of that, BMI is an easy and cheap way for men and women to define their weight within a given range. Also, the BMI ranges vary depending on a person's height and weight. This is for adults. If the BMI is used for children, we need to consider age and gender too. Most importantly, body mass alone is not necessarily an indication of how healthy you are. Also, each height and weight group has its own range.

Although the BMI range should not be used in isolation. It only determines whether a person is over or underweight for their range. While this is not necessarily an indication of health. Keeping BMI within a good range means you are less likely to suffer from obesity and health diseases.

Diet change and regular exercise are the most important things to keep your body mass index within a good range. It's fact that in Western countries there is too much fat, salt, and sugar in regular meals or diets. Changing our eating habits and including more whole-grain foods, fresh fruits, and vegetables is the first step to being healthy.

If you want to know whether you are in a good BMI range, you can check it out yourself using BMI Chart. Also, you should check what people in your BMI range are advised to eat and drink. If you eat more food than necessary for your body weight then you are taking the risk of weight gain and becoming obese.

If you want to lose weight and avoid the risk of illnesses, you should take more fruits and vegetables in your daily meal. It also keeps you away from serious diseases.

In addition, eat more lean protein with every meal. Because protein not only helps build muscle and promotes inner health. Also, it helps a person to feel full for longer and you don't need to eat snacks or fast food.

If you follow these simple tips and combine them with regular exercise, you will have a very good chance of keeping your BMI within a good range.